Nationwide Political Survey for the Newspaper of Editors


Palmos Analysis conducted a nationwide political survey on behalf of the Newspaper of Editors.
Please review in detail the identity and results of the survey in the attached file.


Development of a CSR Platform on behalf of the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Industries

Palmos Analysis undertook and completed the development of the Corporate Social Responsibility Platform on behalf of the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Industries, as part of the 'Eyv Aei Forin' project.

Through the platform, member businesses of the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Industries can apply to participate in the project and gain access to the project Portal, which is a dedicated space for information, training, and exchange of opinions and activities among participants.

At the same time, for each business participating in the project, a Micro-Site is automatically created, where it can describe its profile, services/products, post company announcements, awards, initiatives, sustainability reports, interviews and executive biographies, photo materials from events, etc.

Nationwide Political Survey for SBCTV


Palmos Analysis conducted a nationwide political survey on behalf of SBCTV.
Please review in detail the identity and results of the survey in the attached file.

Construction of the page

The website was created by Palmos Analysis to promote the AGRO_LESS project, which is part of the transnational program GREECE – BULGARIA 2007-2013. The website allows for dynamic content updates and is responsive, functioning correctly on all types of devices, including desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.

Visit the AGRO_LESS page by clicking here!

Collaboration with TVXS.GR – Final Estimation of Electoral Results


Palmos Analysis conducted the 21st nationwide political survey on behalf of the news website TVXS.GR.

Please review the identity and results of the survey in the attached file.

Poll for TVXS.GR

Palmos Analysis conducted the 19th nationwide political survey on behalf of the news website TVXS.GR.

Please review the identity and results of the survey in the attached file.

Attached files

Poll for TVXS.GR

Palmos Analysis conducted the 20th nationwide political survey on behalf of the news website TVXS.GR.

Please review the identity and results of the survey in the attached file.

Attached files